bournemouth marathon

A-Z team training on Bournemouth Marathon Course

The Plan As part of their preparation for the Bournemouth Marathon, the A-Z team planned a training trip to the south coast. One of the team, who shall remain nameless, had decided that visualisation was an important part of preparation for such a challenge. Consequently, the A-Z team have now… Read More
Steve's Route

Bournemouth Marathon training update 2 – Steve

With the level of training increasing as the Bournemouth Marathon approaches, conventional wisdom suggests that it is a good idea to find a training partner. Someone to work with when it gets tough and motivation starts to be questioned. Part of the idea is that you help each other when… Read More

Bournemouth Marathon training update – Steve

As the Bournemouth Marathon edges ever closer, the gap between New Year’s good intentions and reality becomes ever more stark. The intention was to gradually develop a solid base level of fitness, undertaking a range of outdoor events to improve my endurance. While doing so I would be enjoying learning… Read More

Bournemouth Marathon training update – Kieran

My approach to training for an event like this is normally quite laid back; a couple of training runs, a few lengths in the pool, try to avoid too many Tikka Masala’s and see what happens on the day. I’ve never run a marathon before, in fact I’ve never run… Read More

Bournemouth Marathon 2016 training update 2016 – Phil

After three fairly relaxed months after Christmas and that silly, alcohol fuelled decision to take part in the marathon, I suddenly realised the size of the task in front of me. I found myself spending every available moment frantically researching training programmes, dietary requirements, running gear and stretching techniques. Completely… Read More
Caroline's trainers

Bournemouth Marathon 2016 progress update 1

Bournemouth Marathon 2016 progress update A few months after committing to run a marathon, the stark reality of the challenge is starting to dawn on the A-Z team – this is going to hurt! The initial optimism (mainly Kieran’s) and bravado is starting to wear off as people’s thoughts turn towards… Read More

Bournemouth Marathon 2016 fundraising

Bournemouth Marathon 2016 fundraising While the A-Z team are running the Bournemouth Marathon to challenge ourselves and to get fit, we are also choosing to support 3 very worthy charities where the money raised actually helps to save and improve the quality of lives. Geographers’ A-Z… Read More
Bournemouth Marathon

Bournemouth Marathon 2016 – The A-Z Challenge

The Office Christmas Party can often produce a few surprises and things people feel they may regret in the morning and the A-Z 2015 one was no exception. Some way down her second bottle of Pinot, Caroline Ball, our Human Resources and Christmas party organiser, decided she wanted to run… Read More