A new colouring book and colouring competition
We’ve just released our very own colouring book based on our instantly recognisable mapping and it’s packed full of map images and other interesting designs from around Great Britain. This adult colouring book lets you colour your way around the country from the comfort of your front room.
Competition Time!
To mark this release, we're running a colouring competition. Simply download one or both of the images below, print them out, colour them in and post a photo of your completed image on our Facebook page or Twitter feed using the hashtag #colouringaz. The competition is open until the end of October 2015. You can only enter once for each competition image.
We've asked two of our expert cartographers (Hayley and Mark) to judge the entries for this colouring competition and decide on the winner. So what can you win? We’re giving away a copy of Maps - A Colouring Book and a £25 Amazon voucher to the entry we like the most.
Happy colouring!
Download the PDF files of either (or both) competition images here, print them out and get started:
UPDATE 2nd November 2015
Our judges have been busy debating over the only entry we received and have decided that it's definitely worthy of winning the prize!
Well done to Kristyn for being the only successful participant and thanks for taking the time to send us your entry. We love the bright colours and graduated shading you’ve used. Those shapes you’ve drawn over the map also make it really interesting.
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